NLP Magazine Issue #13
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CONNIRAE ANDREAS PH.D. , . reveals the method she created to clear away a life-threatening illness. Read her story and discover more about “The Wholeness Process” – interview by Rachel Hott
* KRIS HALLBOM shows the powerful influence your ‘everyday’ story has – and how a simple change could devastate your limitations!
* KATE BENSON steps you through a real-world authentic way to build better memory in just 5 minutes! – And it’s a party-stopper! Check it out and amaze your friends!
* RACHEL HOTT – (Interview) Part Two of living, learning and working with NLP in New York..
* ELIZABETH PAYEA-BUTLER realises that family time is precious. So when your children seem to be growing so fast, she asks the question -Are you growing with them? Check out her valuable tips for growing happily together.
* ANDY SMITH, STEVE ANDREAS, and the NLPwiki again share the highlights and details on yet another sensory treasure trove – how to HARNESS THE MASSIVE MENTAL POWER of that VOICE IN YOUR HEAD. Yep, that sometimes pesky voice has all you need to turn the lights on and get making progress with whatever desires you have at heart. Yet another aspect of NLP that should be in every school classroom.
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